Lan Su Chinese Garden
Portland Oregon
When planning a local wedding you don’t have to skip on the jaw-dropping, exotic feelings that come from an international destination wedding location, and here is how. First get creative with your venue choice. Imagine the international destination of your dreams. Consider what drew you to that spot. Perhaps the sense of tranquility, exotic environment, or a draw to your cultural roots? Then, select a local venue based off of those feelings, and environmental factors. Finally, don’t be afraid to look outside of the box of typical wedding venues! Think cultural centers, museums, and gardens. When looking at this setting, would you believe that it is right next to the heart of downtown Portland? The gardens, koi pond, and stunning Chinese architecture transform those big city feels to a tranquil oasis. These types of transformative cultural treasures can be found all over the US. Furthermore don't forget to set the tone early. To plan a wedding that has all the excitement of a destination wedding, set the tone from the beginning! Infuse your invitations with elements of your ‘destination’ spot. Stick with subtle tones, pictures and symbols that can be placed in your invitations. In this wedding stationery, by Olumis Calligraphy, the Chinese symbol for double happiness is used. Be sure to pay attention to even the smallest details. You’re trying to create a total experience for your guests, not just something pretty. As you will see beloew even the napkins draw guests into ancient Chinese landscape with thier vintage Chinese embroidered silk. However in all things be sure to steer clear of creating an overly-themed wedding. If you want to have a high-end wedding without being kitsch, infuse elements of your destination that gives a destination feel without being literal. Make sure every piece of decor is used with intentionality!